Performance Accountability

Given the right information at the right time, people will make more profitable decisions. 

Our approach to delivering Actionable Performance Analytics separates the traditional accounting reporting from the strategic management reporting needed that reflects the true economics of the business.  

Two-dimensional management accounting only across organizational units can limit performance accountability, prohibit collaboration and cause complexities that prevent value added analytics. Our Performance Management Ledger solution enables complete traceability and transparency from the general ledger to meaningful business analytics that enable users to:

  • Shift perspectives of decision support from evaluating the past performance to current business model to identifying opportunities to improve the economics of a future business model
  • Focus on controllable measures, not the uncontrollable accounting constraints from Regulatory and GAAP accounting entries
  • Create accountability and engagement on financial performance from all areas of the organization regardless of if the area generates revenue from the front lines or cost centers in the back office functions

Any manager can engineer a favorable variance from broadly defined financial planning criteria, but dynamic role-based financial analytics based on metrics that matter will ensure financial performance accountability throughout the business.