
Cost Management: to Build or not to Build, That is the Question

In our focus of assisting companies to make better business decisions, it has become apparent that every few years the focus in financial services is centered on the merits of branches as effective sales and service platforms. In our experience, this same discussion around the…

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The 3 “E’s” to Strategic Cost Management

There are 3 "E's" to strategic cost management: Expense Management - usually the first and easiest lever to pull when quick adjustments need to happen. Efficiency - This requires a deeper understanding on operational process costs beyond the income statement. Lean six sigma and other…

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Why Strategic Cost Management? Why now?

Most would define a large part of business prosperity as the profitable growth which ultimately creates shareholder value. Shareholder value drives the value of an enterprise in private firms and market capitalization in public firms. We have previously discussed our view of the challenging economic…

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The Next Step in Predictive Analytics

Data collection has been a vital part of business process for decades. For the past 50 years, the process of collecting data has evolved to where it is today. With the use of early computers, companies were finally able to collect large amount of data…

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The Power to Predict: Predictive Analytics and Cost Management

Travelers experience it every day—the forecast is calling for terrible weather in a few days...exactly the same time their trip is going to begin. Travelers are then faced with two big decisions: Number one, change travel plans in advance and divert the weather, or number…

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